This is a picture I took and posted on my Instagram page when I was in Hawaii over the summer visiting my sister. The picture was taken at Waimea Bay which is located on the north shore of Oahu. It may not look very big in the picture but the large rock people are shown jumping off of is about 30 feet high. I spent most of the day climbing and diving off of the jumping spot. Digital media gives people the chance to choose how to present themselves or how we want people to see us. Social media allows us to share experiences, hobbies, interests, and can be a great tool when used properly. I believe this image communicates to my followers many things (whether they are true or not) without a verbal explanation. It suggests that I am someone who likes to travel or likes adventure. It might make people think I am a risk-taker or that I like to be outdoors. The idea that I like to travel might then lead people to believe I am curious and that I am somewhat financially successful if I can afford to travel. The image itself says a lot about the world we live in. While the thrill seekers are seen diving off the rock, the onlookers below are not merely watching but they are capturing the moment with their smartphones (myself included). Although it seems so normal for us to automatically whip our phone out when something interesting is happening, the picture almost feels strange to look at. Think about it. We’re on a beach in Hawaii in the middle of summer and instead of relishing in the moment people are still glued to their phones. No matter what this image communicates to my followers, there is no way for them to know if their assumptions of me based on my posts are actually true.